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Joining Fee

Dear New Member!


If you have found yourself on this page then it is likely that you, or a friend, has been approved for membership at Soho Whisky Club.


Once you have paid this joining fee:


  • please attempt to log in by clicking on 'Log in' next to the shopping trolley at the top of the page.


  • It will say 'Log in', 'New to this site?', 'Sign up'. Click on sign up (in blue). 


  • Put in your email and type in a password. Don't share this password with anyone!


  • The admin will need to check that you've paid the joining fee. It might take an hour or so (it depends how busy I am!)


  • Once approved you should receive an email telling you that you can now log in to our members area.


  • You can then log in with that same email address and password.


  • Now go to Shop > Memberships and Renewals > and pick the membership that you've been approved for. Please note, again, that overseas memberships are for those who live abroad for at least 51% of the year. Overseas members cannot attend tastings, whether online or otherwise.


Membership is a yearly subscription but it can be cancelled at any time.


Finally, welcome to the Club!!






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